Dysg imi'th ffordd O Arglwydd mwyn

(Salm XXVII - RHAN III. [ad. 11—14.]
Gweddi a gobaith am ras a nerth)
Dysg imi'th ffordd, O Arglwydd mwyn
  Ac arwain fi ar hyd
Y llwybrau union sydd i'm dwyn
  I'r dedwydd nefol fyd.

I 'wyllys fy ngelynion cas
  Na ro fi fynu byth;
Ond achub fi, er mwyn dy ras,
  O'u dwylaw, Iôr dilŷth.

Un nerth fy enaid gwan ni fedd,
  A llwyr anniddan yw,
Pan nas gall gredu
    profi'th hedd,
  A'th ras, yn nhir y byw.

Fy enaid disgwyl wrth dy Dduw,
  Bydd wrol ynddo ef;
O disgwyl wrtho tra f'ot byw,
  Gwna'th galon wan yn gref.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MC 8686]

  Rhan I - Fy iechyd a'm goleuni yw
  Rhan II - O Arglwydd clyw fy nghais

(Psalm 27 - Part 3 [vv. 11-14]
Prayer and hope for grace and strength)
Teach my thy way, O dear Lord
  And lead me along
The straight paths which lead me
  To the happy heavenly world.

To the will of my hated enemies
  Do not ever give me up;
But save me, for the sake of thy grace,
  From their hands, unfailing Master.

One strength my weak soul does not posses,
  And completely comfortless it is,
When it cannot believe
    to experience thy peace,
  And thy grace, in the land of the living.

My soul wait for thy God,
  Be brave in him;
O wait for him while ever thou be living,
  Make thy weak heart strong.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
11 Instruct me in thy paths, O Lord,
     my ways directly guide;
   Lest envious men, who watch my steps,
     should see me tread aside.

12 Lord, disappoint my cruel foes,
     defeat their ill desire,
   Whose lying lips and, bloody hands
     against my peace conspire.

13 I trusted that my future life
     should with thy love be crowned,
   Or else my fainting
       soul had sunk,
     with sorrow compassed round.

14 God's time with patient faith expect,
     and he'll inspire thy breast
   With inward strength; do thou thy part,
     and leave to him the rest.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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